Training Courses: Planning and Estimating

Planning and Estimating

Unlock the secrets to precise planning and estimating with our specialised course. Dive deep into managing the estimating process and receive practical guidance aimed at enhancing the accuracy and precision of your project plans. Join us now to master the art of planning and estimating, and propel your projects toward unparalleled success!


Project Managers
Program Managers
PMO Officers
Executives and Managers


   – Project estimating
   – Scope of project estimating
   – Project estimating and the project management practice
   – Estimating roles
   – Estimating life cycle stages
   – Evolving estimates
   – Use of metrics and available data
   – Estimation variances
   – Characteristics of an estimate
   – Industry-specific practices

Prepare to estimate
   – Project estimating approaches
   – Inputs and outputs
Create estimates
   – Use of quantitative estimating
   – Use of relative estimating techniques
   – Use of qualitative estimating techniques
Manage estimates
   – Manage estimates: a living plan cycle
   – Inputs to the manage estimates stage
   – Outputs of the manage estimates stage
Improve estimating process
   – Assess the estimating process
   – Implement changes and share lessons learned


Fully aligned to PMI’s Practice Standard for Project Estimating 2nd Edition


  • This course in available in English, French, German


  • 2 days in classroom
  • Also available as online or virtual delivery
© Rolf Consulting